We stock a wide variety of roses including:
- Hybrid Tea Roses
- Floribunda Roses
- Standard Roses
- Shrub Roses
- Ground Cover Roses
- Climbing Roses & Patio Roses
We specialise in the production of high quality roses grown on Kent’s A-1 brick earth soil which is so conducive to growing superior plants.
We have bareroot roses available from December until the end of February (weather permitting).
Containerised roses are available all the year round
Roses Price List
Please click here to view our roses price list for:
- Hybrid Tea Roses
(Single Blooms or with side buds) - Hybrid Tea (Celebration & Commemorative Roses)
- Floribunda (Celebration and Commemorative Roses)
- Patio (Celebration & Commemorative Roses)
- Floribunda Roses (Clusters of flowers)
- Climbing Roses
- Standard Roses
- Ground Cover Roses
- Patio Roses
- Shrub Roses
- English Shrub Roses (David Austin)